Thursday, November 6, 2014

Sleep...or lack thereof

The life of an insomniac is not a pretty one. Went to sleep at midnight and woke every two hours on the dot. It's quite annoying and not productive. After writing all day, staring at words on a screen as they flow by, creating worlds with the tick of a finger and what rattles around my head, a bit of rest would be nice. But no. How many of you would love to take your brain, set it on the nightstand, and get a peaceful night's rest? All of us I'm sure. So I pick up Doctor Sleep by Stephen King and read for a while. Good story and the title seems to be representative of my current state. Of course, reading is not the cure. It stimulates the mind and what I need is a lack of stimulation. I close the book and another two hours pass as I lay unconscious dreaming of nothing memorable. So I write again. I read about world events and how the recent election is going to change the country for the better. Pundits throw in their two cents which is about all they have to offer and why am I reading them anyway when I should be asleep? The problem is that I love the night. It's when I do my best writing and ideas come to me like whispers. It's what I enjoy: Creating.something from nothing. But some rest sounds great. Sometimes sleep can be a real bitch.

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